Alejandra Ángeles

Alejandra Ángeles Dorantes has a Masters in Mexican Literature Studies from University of Guadalajara. Some of her short stories were published in SOGEM’s Caleidoscopio XI and XII. In 2018, she had a short story published in the prestigious literary magazine Nocturnario, and wrote a prologue for the University of Guadalajara´s translation of Fyodor Dostoievski´s The Gambler. In 2019, three of her short stories were selected and garnered honorario mentions in El axolote, a nationwide short story competition, with her story Saturno earning a finalist mention. She is the author of the short story collection Te hace falta abrir los ojos (Fondo Blanco, 2021) and the novel “Casta Diva” (Fondo Blanco, 2023). She is a candidate for a Ph.D. in Humanities at the University of Guadalajara.

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