
We talk ABOUT BOOKS AND EVERYTHING. This is PaGe Literary Agency’s Spanish language podcast, hosted by Paulina Vieitez and Gerardo Cardenas, PaGe cofounders, to talk about the issues that matter the most to us, including book reviews, publishing industry news and trends, and interviews with our fantastic authors!.

We are proud to announce Al Unísono (In Unison: literary voices of women of their word), a PaGe original creation with the support and production of Audiolibre, and that is now available in all audio platforms.
Fourteen of PaGe female authors, from Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Spain, Argentina, and the United States, talk about their struggles and their hopes – powerful, authentic, brave, and vibrant stories from women who stand behind their words.
We thank Yareli Arizmendi, Bárbara Anderson, Emily Atallah, María de Alva, Gabriela Fonseca, Paola Gasca, Gina Goldfeder, Blanca Rosa Gutiérrez, Edmée Pardo, Fermina Ponce, Mónica-Ramón Ríos, Sofía Segovia, and Cynthia Zak for their stories and their voices.
Special thanks to Paulina Vieitez for conceiving and directing this original creation, to Elena Bazán, Álvaro Ortiz and the folks at Audiolibre for the co-creation, production, postproduction and dissemination, to Haui Roa for the art design, to Luis Contreras to helping us put all of this on social media, and to Andy Hernández and Gerardo Cárdenas for getting the word out.
Al Unísono is available on all audio platforms. To listen to a sample, click here