Gisela Kozak

Gisela Kozak

Gisela was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1963 and currently resides in Mexico.

She has a Ph.D. in Literature and is a professor at Universidad Central de Venezuela, as well as a frequent contributor to publications such as Letras Libres, Literal Magazine, Tiempos Modernos, Latin American Literature Today, La Razón, el Malpensante, Altair and the Spanish edition of The New York Times. She is the author of eleven books, including the short story collection Pecados de la capital, which won the 1997 Armas Alfonzo Literature Award and was published by Monte Ávila Editores, 2005; as well as the novels Latidos de Caracas (Alfaguara, 2007) and Todas las lunas (Equinoccio, 2011; Sudaquia, 2014); and the essays Venezuela, el país que siempre nace (Alfa, 2008); and Ni tan chéveres ni tan iguales (Alfa, 2014). She won the 2009 Sylvia Molloy Award issued by the Latin American Studies Association for her article “El lesbianismo en Venezuela es asunto de pocas páginas”. Part of her work has been translated into English, Portuguese and French.