Mauricio Montiel Figueiras
Mauricio Montiel Figueiras was born in Guadalajara, México in 1968. He Is a novelist, essayist, editor and translator. Some of his work has been published in media outlets In Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, the United States, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom. He Is the author of Paseos sin rumbo. Diálogos entre cine y literatura (2010), Señor Fritos (2011), La mujer de M. (2012), Ciudad tomada (2013), Los que hablan. Fotorrelatos (2016), La piel insomne (2020), Un perro rabioso. Noticias desde la depresión (2021), Siempre tendrán hambre las sombras (2021), Cuaderno del sur (2022) y Las sirenas vuelven a cantar (2022). In 2019, Almadía published his Spanish translation of 150 of Lydia Davis’short stories. He’s received endowments from Mexico’s Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, the Rockefeller Foundation, Scotland’s Hawthornden Retreat for Writers, and Finland’s Kone Foundation. He Is the founder of Los Libros de Caronte, an independent publishing house.
Photo by Christopher Brown