Norma Soto

Norma has a B.A. in Educational Psychology and a Masters degree in Education Science, and she is a Doctoral candidate in Education. She has over 30-years experience working on children and youth evaluation, parent counseling and teacher training, and has developed and implemented numerous programs aimed at improving teaching and psychosocial performance at schools.

She has the author and co-author of several books and handbooks related to violence prevention and peace culture, including Ambientes de Paz y Desarrollo: a Strategy for Social Change; Active Woman; Take Charge; and Building our Values.

With Un Nuevo Comienzo, Norma has leveraged her considerable experience in education and social and community building to create tools to help children and youth across all stages of their mental health and also address issues of resiliency, crisis management and suicide prevention. The book seeks to become an efficient guide for parents, teachers and schools, and for any adult interested in contributing to the full development of children and youth.